About Us


Meet the Music

is dedicated to delivering pre-loved and/or new vinyl, high-quality music more accessible while helping break the cycle of living a monomusical life. We work directly with record labels and local record stores to connect vinyl lovers to music that might otherwise sit in a warehouse or store shelf, then deliver them to your door-all while expanding listeners' music horizons. Nearly every Meet the Music box you receive benefits artists and local record stores, MTM helps listners discover and rediscover different music genres, and ultimately helps our audience to appreciate all genres of music.


We start by discovery

The discovery of hundreds if not thousands of different music genres: All the music produced in a year never gets listened to because it doesn’t meet the superficial categorization of the gatekeepers of the music industry. Because we love pretty much all music up and down the radio dial, we know just how much music is never heard if that dial never moves. And yet, there are people starting to hunger for something different. By being committed to breaking the monomusical lifestyle, we are looking to use multiple platforms to accomplish our goal. We’re not doing it alone. The community of vinyl collectors play a big part. Everyday, we discover music from the community, in particular the Instagram Vinyl Community.


How did we get here?

We launched our podcast in 2020. While we were recording our podcast we found ourselves constantly in sponge-mode (and we still are) on introducing and reintroducing different music genres (hence the name). Our podcast gave some insight into a few different genres, A Cappella to Zydeco. Today, our scope has expanded to include the physical item of vinyl records. We are working on partnering with major and independent record labels to press exclusive vinyl records for our Meet The Music record label.


Quality and Quantity at a value

From our turntable to your turntable

Pre-loved is usually synonymous with over used. But that is not how we do things. We’re committed to providing quality at value. Regardless of whether it looks or sounds a little different, our finds are good-quality and tend to be an undiscovered gem.

Vinyl record deserts take many forms, including not having convenient access to a record store. We aim to serve every music lover wherever their turntable considers home. Listening to vinyl records can truly be an experience.